Tuesday 15 December 2015

Research and planning- E4 and the Brief

E4 is owned by the channel four corporation and was launched on the 18th of January 2001 it regularly shows programmes ranging from dramas such as youngers (2013-present)  to comedies such as drifters (2013-present) to reality/non-scripted shows such as Rude tube (2008-present) and American acquired shows such as the sitcom The big bang theory (2008-present). The primary target audience is predominately 15-25 age group so must likely into the d/e class that are also individuals and are most likely in the subculture of fan bases.The secondary target would likely be older 15-21 age group that are most likely mainstreams in the e/d social group who enjoy popular shows such as the big bang theory or how i met your mother. Other channels owned by the channel four corporation include channel 4 which primary audience is  predominately 20-40 age group and most likely aimed at main streamers as well in the c-b2 social group . Other channels include More 4 which is for older people in the 40-80 age category who are succeeders in the b-a social group Film four,which is aimed at 18- 40 age group for reformers/individuals in the b/c1 social group, 4music which is for 13-18 mainstreamers in the e social group and 4seven which is a repeat of programmes shown on the other channels they also have an online channel called all4 which offers catch up on all shows owned by the channel four corporation.

and E-sting is a short animation that interludes between shows that is usually of a comedic or surreal nature. they are submitted by the public with a chance to win five thousand pounds

Foe example this E-sting is of a comedy genre that shows a E4 logo crashing into a field killing bystanders in the process. it aimed at individuals and young teens because of  its childish humor and comedic use of violence. I like this E-sting because of its entertaining use of surreal violence and the comedic way in which it delivers it. The animation is also very reminiscent of a stop-motion animation film 'A Town Called Panic' which used similar toy models to animate upon

Another example of an E-sting is a fantasy/comedy genre showing a needle/bee  being thrown by a bearded ginger tattooist in dungarees into a troll causing him to have a E-4 shaped rash appear on his arm. i believe the audience for this sting would be for individuals and people who are part of fan-bases and enjoy fantasy/adventure genres and films such as lord of the rings. I like this sting because of its surreal story and entertaing and engaging style of animation

the final example of a E-sting was this action genre sting of a robot transforming from a car to a transformer i imagine the audience was young 13-21 main streamers. i like because of its simplicity and also its surprising entertainment value

For our Lego video what we set out to achieve was a short simple animation of a somewhat comedic nature. overall the shoot was a success, with no real hiccups to speak of. working with Lego is blissfully simple, its ability to be slotted in a variety of positions one block from the original position means that for stop animation it is wonderfully ideal. However there are limitations such as movement of characters, is difficult when lego has no give and is a solid rigid material,meaning we couldn't bend our characters knees for example which meant that making a character look like he was walking was a challenge , but we resolved this by making our characters look like they were shuffling Rather than walking so overall was not a big issue and was resolved easily.

For my E-sting i will produce a live action video showing me doing a trick on a skateboard, i have decided to choose this because feel that skateboarding is one of my abilities and that if i could uses that in a short video i would be playing to my advantage, also i feel that a short skateboarding video would look good and even entertaining to some degree and i also feel like other people will be doing clay-mation and other forms of animation so i would like to think my animation would stand out

e-sting terms and conditions

How to Enter:

  1. To enter the Competition you must have a public YouTube and Twitter account.
  2. To enter the Competition you must upload your submission to YouTube and Tweet the YouTube URL including the hashtag #EStings2015
  3. Retweets will not be accepted as an entry to the Competition. Entry to the Competition must be a manual Tweet sent by you.
  4. Entries must be received by 23.59 UK time on 3rd September 2015. Entries received after this time will not be accepted. The entry time will be the time in which your Entry was received by us, not the time it was submitted.


  1. You may submit an Entry on your own or as part of a collaborative group. You (and each member of your collaborative group, if applicable) must be 16 or over and a resident within the United Kingdom to be eligible to enter the Competition.
  2. Only one Entry per person or collaborative group will be accepted. If you submit any subsequent Entries the judges will only consider your first Entry.

Your Entry:

  1. Your Entry must be exactly 10 seconds long. If your E Sting is under or exceeds this limit your entry will not be considered by the judging panel.
  2. Your Entry must include the E4 logo which can be downloaded from the entry page on E4.com. Failure to include the E4 logo will result in your Entry not being considered by the judging panel. Permission to the use the E4 logo is limited to your Entry only and you must not use the E4 logo for any other purpose and is subject to your compliance with the section entitled “Permission to Use the E4 Logo” set out below.
  3. If you decide to use music on your Entry, you must use one of the supplied audio beds which can be downloaded from the entry page on E4.com. Failure to use one of the supplied audio beds will result in your Entry being disqualified.
  4. Your Entry must be of broadcast quality and must not contain anything that is obscene, indecent, defamatory, un-lawful, offensive or that infringes the copyright, intellectual property rights, moral rights or any other right of a third party. Your Entry must also be suitable for daytime broadcast. Please ensure that you do not place yourself or others in danger while creating your Entry. Your Entry must be entirely your own work and must not contain any music other than the audio beds referred to in paragraph 9 above or any other third party material and must be fully cleared for us (and others authorised by us) to use in accordance with these E Sting Rules (including the licence you grant us as set out below). Channel 4 reserves the right to edit your Entry. You acknowledge and agree that you produce your Entry at your own cost and risk. You must also have the consent of anyone featured in your sting.
  5. You must not: (i) use the YouTube AudioSwap functionality to include music within your Entry; or (ii) use any other functionality or content available through YouTube to edit or amend your Entry after submission to us. Please also refrain from enabling the advertising functionality on YouTube in relation to your Entry as while this will not automatically disqualify your Entry it will mean that it will not feature on the E Stings website.
  6. Please also bear in mind our ViewHouse Rules(opens in a new window) when creating your Entry. Failure to do so may result in your Entry being disqualified. These House Rules contain important information on staying safe online and details of content that we deem unacceptable. Please ensure that you have read, understand and accept these prior to creating your Entry.
  7. In order to ensure that all Entries can be judged fairly all Entries must be in the English language


  1. What format do you propose to use to create an ESting? (e.g., stop-frame techniques - with people/models/objects etc, claymation / Lego, time lapse photography, combined formats).           I proposed to use a stop motion form of animation                                       
  2. What will happen in your proposed ESting? Write a very brief narrative summary describing the action.                                                                                                                                                in my E-sting a child walks into an arcade store and plays an old game, the game is a street fighter character fighting the E4 logo                          
  3. In regards to diegesis, where will your animation be set? This relates to the setting and not your shooting locations. 
  4. Are there (and do you predict there will be) any limitations or difficulties to face when you produce your ESting? Think about competence, finance, locations, resources and practicality.
  5. Who is the target audience for your ESting? Think about age, gender and interests/tastes. the targeted audience is main-streamers/individuals in their late teens/ early 20s who have a found nostalgia for old video games 

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