Wednesday 6 January 2016

understanding requirements of working to a brief

  • What is a brief/project brief? A brief is a set of instructions given to somebody in regards to a task or assignment 
  • What is a commission/what does it mean to be commissioned? a commission is the order or authorization that enables somebody to produces something to be commissioned means that you have been authorized or order by somebody to do a job, essentially it means you are employed by somebody to perform a certain task or role for them. 
  • What is meant by the term ‘tender’ (in regards to Media!) tender means currency or money however it can also mean however when institutions can invite bids for large projects for large projects that must be submitted by a final deadline 
  • How else could you respond to a brief? (Think about the one you created an animation for…) You can respond to a brief with the incentive to win a cash prize instead of a definite  as was the incentive for this brief.

Reading a brief
  • Discuss recognising the nature of and demand implicit in a brief, e.g., what was specified in the E4 ESting guidance that you had to include/meet? these are the E4 stings guidelines that i was required to meet which gave us a greater understanding of the nature of the brief as we knew what the limitations were in terms of making our e-Sting it also gave us a general idea as to the length, the grade of quality what music we were as a group allowed to use and what we could not do  :
  • Your Entry must be exactly 10 seconds long. If your E Sting is under or exceeds this limit your entry will not be considered by the judging panel.
  • Your Entry must include the E4 logo which can be downloaded from the entry page on Failure to include the E4 logo will result in your Entry not being considered by the judging panel. Permission to the use the E4 logo is limited to your Entry only and you must not use the E4 logo for any other purpose and is subject to your compliance with the section entitled “Permission to Use the E4 Logo” set out below.
  • If you decide to use music on your Entry, you must use one of the supplied audio beds which can be downloaded from the entry page on Failure to use one of the supplied audio beds will result in your Entry being disqualified.
  • Your Entry must be of broadcast quality and must not contain anything that is obscene, indecent, defamatory, un-lawful, offensive or that infringes the copyright, intellectual property rights, moral rights or any other right of a third party. Your Entry must also be suitable for daytime broadcast. Please ensure that you do not place yourself or others in danger while creating your Entry. Your Entry must be entirely your own work and must not contain any music other than the audio beds referred to in paragraph 9 above or any other third party material and must be fully cleared for us (and others authorised by us) to use in accordance with these E Sting Rules (including the licence you grant us as set out below). Channel 4 reserves the right to edit your Entry. You acknowledge and agree that you produce your Entry at your own cost and risk. You must also have the consent of anyone featured in your sting.
  • You must not: (i) use the YouTube AudioSwap functionality to include music within your Entry; or (ii) use any other functionality or content available through YouTube to edit or amend your Entry after submission to us. Please also refrain from enabling the advertising functionality on YouTube in relation to your Entry as while this will not automatically disqualify your Entry it will mean that it will not feature on the E Stings website.
  • Please also bear in mind our ViewHouse Rules(opens in a new window) when creating your Entry. Failure to do so may result in your Entry being disqualified. These House Rules contain important information on staying safe online and details of content that we deem unacceptable. Please ensure that you have read, understand and accept these prior to creating your Entry.
  • In order to ensure that all Entries can be judged fairly all Entries must be in the English language

Negotiating a brief
  • Discuss how much room you had to negotiate the brief.                                                             we could only negotiate very particular things for our brief, such as the style of animation, and the narrative of the film everything else was specified in the guidance provided. 
  • In the media industry, what degree of discretion do/would you have in interpreting a brief
  • this depends on the brief, usually you have very limited room the only real discretion you have is of a creative one, but again if the brief states that you have a creative control it usually means you can argue as to what budget you may need (for one example of control you may have over the brief) as you have have had an idea in mind which you can calculate the overall cost and try to state to the employer that you will need so much for your budget.
  • What constraints (legal, ethical, regulatory) might you face when responding to a brief? What constraints did you face?  none 
  • the only constraint we as a group had to face in terms of constraints was violence we could not make the short to violent as it would then violate one of the rules 
  • Did you have to make any amendments to proposed final product? Why? no, i believe we had achieved what we had set out to do 
  • For what reasons might there be amendments to; a budget? Your fees? Conditions outlined in the contract? there can  be amendments to a budget because you may go over budget if you think the film needs more money, to buy props for example which could  infringe on the contract which may have stated that you could only work with a certain budget and if you go do not follow the contract you are assigned to it is complete within the employer rights to not pay you as you have violated the contract you both agreed to apply to 

  • Why might someone respond to a brief? most likely someone will respond to a brief for the simple reward of money sometimes making a profit can be the biggest incentive. you could also respond to a brief in order to add the work you completed to a cv which would improve your cv giving you the opportunity to do more work and improve your likelihood of getting work more work if someone has seen you do good work for one company another company may recognize it and then employ you based on the previous work that you did previously and so on so to build a 
  • Identify opportunities that you had for self-development.
  • i had to opportunity to work better in a group and to 
  • What new skills did you learn?
  • editing using Photoshop  in order to create a short animated film 
  • Did you have to multi-skill at all during the project? no
  • What contributions did you make to the project brief?                                                             i originally came up with the initial  idea for the short and wrote the screenplay for it and specified what props were required 

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