Friday 11 December 2015

Animation Evaluation

What went well?

overall most aspects went well with our short animation we finished our shoot ahead of schedule leaving us with more time to edit and to really stay on top of the assignment, our use of props and costumes within in out shoot also were good as we were fortunate to find exactly what we were looking for with the exception of having to order one sword that we couldn't get elsewhere but in the end was not a prop we used so was not even an issue or a dilemma we had to resolve. the actual task of shooting was also blissfully stress free, as the camera was in one position so the shoot was not time consuming in the sense that we constantly had to keep re-positioning the camera which saved time which made the shooting process much easier overall. location was also easy to shoot in as there were no real distraction excusing the college students playing sports on the opposite of the corridor which were no real problem as they had used the net to section there own half of the sports hall leaving us with the freedom and space to shoot what we needed to shoot, overall shooting was a hassle free task.
editing to was mostly smooth sailing, our finished product as a good was a film which in my opinion had little to no problem in terms of the flow of the piece (frames per second/speed) we also had little to no camera shake with the final finished product as ours camera was placed on a tripod so our frames were well centered which resulted in a good overall finished product. My attitude to our projects also seemed to be reflected in our comments as seen below, these are you tube comments from the animated film by fellow media students commented and what they liked and disliked the overall consensus seems to be that most people enjoyed the piece.

what didn't go well?

the main problems with our project lie mostly with our editing, in truth our intentions for our overall piece were more grand in retrospect, for example we planned on adding health bars to our piece in order  to fully recreate a video game-esque environment and we also had other video game aspects we would have like to have implemented text on the screen for player one and two and the word "fight" would have been preferable to appear on the at the begin of the film in true retro mortal combat 90s video game style. we also could have spent more time honing and improving certain aspects of the short such as a more centered final explosion, and perhaps a more impressive fireball in terms of scale and aesthetic (it could have looked more fiery/ deadly) the trajectory of the fireball to could be improved  to make it more straight and therefore more genuine

what would you have done differently?

In retrospect the main things i would do differently with this piece would be a more effective, productive use of our time as a group  i feel our management of roles within our group could have been handled better and a more effective use of time would have lead to a more well rounded piece which would have left the group more satisfied with what we accomplished in the allotted time given. again i would i would have also preferred to add what i discussed earlier such as health bars, texts on screen  enhanced, centered explosion but overall i think the project was in most part a success.

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