Friday 25 March 2016

music videos,conventions and Techniques

style: In concert and as live performance

in concert and as live performances are, as the title suggests music videos which consist of shots of bands or artists performing their music live to an audience.These music videos are live footage of the artist performing at a gig or concert. they usually consist of  tracking shots and slow pans to show the all of the band playing their instruments. i choose this video because it shows blink 182 performing live to an audience.

style: narrative and interpretive

Narrative music videos are music videos that  tell the story of the song, this means that narrative music videos have a more story driven theme that other music video and a usually a more in depth story. the example i chose was Stan by Eminem which tells the story of an obsessive fan of Eminem who is slowly driven to suicide and murder by Eminem's accidental rejection

 style: surrealist/absurd

surrielist/ unsurd music videos are videos that have a strange, bazzar or uncommon visuals that acccompany the song usually because the song itself is odd. i choose Gorilla'z 19-2000 due to the strange story the video tries to tell of the bands animated alter egos going on a very trippy road trip. the use of animation to means that the imagination behind video is only allowed to be more expressive and surreal and means they were allowed to add a gaint moose into the video.

style: impressionist

 visual music videos try to create a the feel of the song rather than what is actually happening in the song, the example i chose hotline bling by Drake uses a white set with a variety of colors filling the background changing over each other slowly. which is trying to convey emotion rather than it is trying to tell the story of the song.

style: parody

parody music videos are videos that that make fun of pre-existing music videos for fun .the example i choose is weird Al Yankovic's white and nerdy which is a parody of chamillionaire's music video Ridin' where instead of a gangster ridin' it is a nerd instead so it is parodying the gangster lifestyle for comic effect.


 allusion music videos imply or suggest something without actually saying what it is which leaves the video to interpretation of the viewer. the example i choose was sia's Elastic Heart which doesn't have a plain straight forward narrative but leaves the story to interpretation.


homage music videos are videos that reference that an existing media text. the example i choose for this was foo fighter's long road to ruin which references hospital dramas such as ER and Grey's anatomy through the characters the band plays in the video.

style: Animation

animated music videos are music videos that are animated digitaly or through stop motion. the example i choose of this was daft punk's one more time which uses animation to show a bands performance on an alien planet.

 technique: lip sync

lip syncing is when the artist who is being filmed has to mime their song which is then dubbed over with the studio recorded version of their song, making the music video's sound quality better. the video i choose undercover martin  by Two door cinema club shows the band lip syncing as there was no way that the band could have sung the song while being filmed as their was no recording equipment on the band

Technique: editing

technique: cutting to a beat

cutting to a beat is when what is happening in the music video is synchronized to the beat of the song. the example i choose Kanye west's stronger where shots of Kanye are cut with Japanese writing which are in sync with the beat of the song.

post production effects

post production effects are when effects are added on after shooting to make the video more interesting beautiful or engaging to look at for the viewer. they are usually added on afterwards because they are either impossible to shoot without editing or it is simply easier. the example i choose Kendrick Lamar's alright uses multiple post production effects to make the video more engaging, more entertaining and funnier, and just generally make the video a more interesting thing to  look at.

 Technique: split screen

 the split screen effect is when the video is split in half usually showing two pieces of separate film shown side by side. the example i choose is Lauryn Hill's  Doo-wop (that thing) which shows New York city at two different periods of time through the use of split screen meaning they can be seen side by side.

 Technique: Chroma key

chroma key is essentially another way saying that a green/blue screen is involved where usually the artist is put in front of a blue or green screen where the screen is then manipulated in post to show multiple things such as the artist in a unique environment such as space as seen in Michael Jackson's Don't stop til you get enough

Technique: camera movements

most music videos use try to engage their audience through through the use of exciting camera movements. the example i choose was Fat boy slim's Weapon of choice which uses camera movements to keep the viewer engage and intrigued  

Technique: camera angles and shot type

lots of music videos use cinematography well to to give the audience something engaging interesting and visually pleasing to look at.The example i choose is Coolio's gangster's paradise which uses a multitude of angles and shots to create a interesting and engaging video to accompany the song

convention: miss-en-scene

miss en scene is the arrangement of scenery and the stage in the music video. the example i have chosen Queen's I want to break free use costumes such as Freddie mercury's woman clothing used to tackle issue relating to female inequality and to show the mundane and boring aspects of modern day life

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