Thursday 16 July 2015

Documentary mini-task

Types of documentary


. Disembodied, distinguished voice narrates the documentary providing a narrative for the series of images that, follow
captioning images them as they follow without offering opinion: rather offering facts and statistics and implicating possible opinions for the audience to develop,

.the narrative voice is unbiase, without opinion leaving the opinion open to the audience

. the purpose of expository is to show, not to offer opinion or bias

E.G Africa by David Attenborough


.captures a small section of someone's life,

.no structure flows with the person they are documenting

. no focus on the filmmaker/director only there to ask questions, their purpose is to keep the documentary flowing not to be in the spotlight.

. presents a non bias opinion of events leaves the interpretation open to the viewer

E.g Imagine... (bbc)


. The filmmakers presence is evident- they partake and interact

.there is a wide variety of interaction between the audience, the interviewee and the interviewer

.conflict between people are usually presented

.Manipulation of the text  is more evident, the aim of the documentary is to try leave the audience with an certain opinion or feeling about something

E.g Bowling for Columbine


.Reveals and exposes the generic conventions of documentary to the audience

.the conventional components and elements of the documentary have been experimented with

E.G Louie Theroux: under the knife


Little or no dialogue

Beautifull presented

styalised, with the intention to be beautifull to watch

E.g Tounges united


i believe that a documentary should merely capture the topic it was attempting to discuss it should not offer any opinion or bias when covering the subject, it is there to present the facts and statistics but leave it for the audience to make the decision on what all the facts and knowledge means and what all that factual information results in. It should not manipulate that information for the filmmakers benefit



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