Thursday 16 July 2015

Introduction to the news

Behind TV News 

Reporter-  people who report news directly from where its happening this is to say reporters report from live locations across britian looking for the best news story for the presenters to run with. before the news is presented at 6pm they reporters are given a few possible news stories that they could run with its their job to be out looking for these stories and seeing if their is anything really to report on E.G if a court case has been postponed for an other day a reporter would would not stay with that story as there was nothing else to say but that the case had been postponed which is a short uninteresting story that inst really any kind of  presentable story's for the presenters to talk about in the studio or one that leads anywhere. they predominately interview which appears to be a challenge as they have to really engage the interviewee in order to make the small section of news entertaining for the audience at home, usually followed by or have at least one director and one camera operator

presenters-Delivering the news to the audience from a live studio, constontantly being monitored by the director and being guided by them through a small, unnoticeable earpiece. the majority of their time backstage is spent in makeup and are intending to look  nothing but their very best for the audience the biggest issue the newsreader faces is keeping in time with the running with the show itself therefor they have to get their pacing of the script read to them by teleprompter just right  which of course is assisted with from the assistance of the  director 

director-  Directs everybody else, controls the show in  of where the camera angles, when to play certain videos and if they are needed what captions should be chosen, how  long the presenters are talking in what manor they should be speaking and what camera shot will be shown when going live e.g "cut to camera four for a few seconds" he controls the entire set and what goes on in order to make the news as smooth and as professional it could be 

producers- Controls what is to take place during the news day, who will be presenting what stories should the reporters follow certain news stories or not, they control what is to happen through the rest of the day. they gather in small groups and discuss as a group what should be the most viable stories to follow for the day, in terms of prioritizing they look for stories with negativity a serious heart breaking story that toys with the audiences heartstrings, of course there are other stories that producers prioritize over others, if a story is closer to the audience in terms of location geographically speaking they will go with that as it is closer to the audiences home or local area, recency also plays a part in what the producers choose how recently the story happened, opposite to that producers also choose stories that have been in the public eye for a long time so currency also plays a role.also continuity is another part in choosing stories a long period of time is taken by an event such as a festival or a sport championship that too will also be a priority. simplicity also plays in what producer will choose if a story is simple to understand, personality is another factor, if someone who is beloved in the public eye, a celebrity then again that too will be a priority. if a story is exclusive to a news channel, if a story is of big significance than that too will likely to be chosen 

camera operators-  controls the position of the cameras, controlled by the director and try to get the best shot for him/her once the cameras are in position they spend most of their tine waiting for guidance on the director on whether or not to re-position the camera as instructed by the director or whether or not they should keep the shot still and try not to cause to much of a disturbance to anyone else 

editors-  cut down the shots and compiles them together to create a smoother video without it being to long or to uninteresting they collect and essentially Polish the best footage shot throughout the news day  

Bias can also be found in the news stories and stories can be manipulated to give you a certain impression or feeling

for example changing a headline  could give you an impression about a certain story for example: MAN INVOLVED IN ACCIDENT  gives you one impression whereas MAN CAUSES ACCIDENT is another

Another example of bias wold be statistics for example: 80 million pounds of damage was caused or a large amount of damage was caused but cold have been worse one shows a more positive outlook, one creates a more negative light.

Another example would be a photo which could be used to make someone look unattractive, appealing or the opposite example:

this picture puts Mel Gibson in a bad light as he looks drunk and disorderly

this picture puts Leonardo DiCaprio in a good light making him look smart, friendly and pleasant to be around.

bearing in mind that bias does not tell you the whole story it tells you one side or one opinion to a story not offering you the full picture

1 comment:

  1. Toby,

    This needs to be completed by the end of Monday at the latest so I can mark it. It is now very late.

