Wednesday 10 June 2015

T.V advert evaluation

T.V advert evaluation 

Create your own user feedback survey
Section 1. The brief 
a. What was the brief?
our goal for this assignment was to create an advert for our chosen Unilever product it had to be around approximately 1 minuet long.

b. What was your chosen product and how did you decide, as a group, to choose it?
our chosen product as a group was Radox shower gel we decided to use this product because as a group we all already had ideas already in mind about what our kind of advert could be and as a group our ideas were all very similar and meant we all had the same goals with the chosen product
c. Who is the current target audience for the product and who did you decide to appeal to? Why?

we belived the target audience for our product was young adults (20-20 years olds) and wanted to appeal to an older age group ( 40-50) in order to make the product more of a luxury product as opposed to a commodity as older people tend to have more exposable income then other younger age groups so as a group we tried to make it seem like a more of a luxury, expensive product rather than a  cheap commodity.

Section 2. The finished product & feedback 
a. How did you collect the feedback (comments from others) on your finished advert from your target audience? Provide a summary of the main points.

I collected feedback through email by creating a survey on the website survey-monkey and emailing that to others they then took the questionnaire which gave me their responses so i collected them and in the form of graphs or written questions depending on the question 

b. Appropriateness to audience: do you think you managed to get the main message to your target audience you specified in pre-production. Would the advert have an appropriate impact on them?from the answers Icollected from my questionnaire i feel that the message to our target audience was clear and well received many people after seeing this advert replied to the questionnaire that they would buy the Radox product we were advertising they also think it was aimed at an older audience, which was our goal

c. Think about the technical and aesthetic qualities of your advertisement. Analyse your use of: mise-en-scene; camera; editing and sound.
 overall our use of miss en scene was good there were a few errors with the placement of certain props, an example of one unintentional placement of something was that in one shot a Nivea bottle can be seen in the background which was not our intention to include.

with our sound we had quite an obvious issue which was that our dubbing in a certain scene was not especially good, in terms of our use of music it was fine however we had an issue when it comes to my scream, when startled by Connor with the bottle of Radox, my scream had been dubbed and unfortunately had been dubbed poorly as the scream was two separate pitches and included part of a laugh within it so our use of sound our use of music was fine but in terms of using sound to alter a scream we did not do so well. in terms of shooting i feel we did well one compliant was that one shot was out of focus, but we then explained that was our intention and again in terms of editing the dubbing was the predominant issue.
d. Effectiveness of content: Do you think your finished advert effectively sells the product to the specified audience through its storyline/narrative?
Yes, i believe our advert sells our product to our specified audience as our narrative is one that is from an old classic horror film so the narrative is already familiar to an older audience an audience which was the target audience we specified however as all the people who completed my questionnaire were under the age of 20 it is hard to know if the advert resonated with an older audience.
e. What was the effectiveness of the persuasion techniques you used to sell the product?
the effectiveness of our persuasion was such that 90% of people who completed the questionnaire stated they would buy the product after seeing the advert this means our pathos strategy of appealing to emotions such as nostalgia rather than to logic has proved to be an effective strategy

f. Clarity of communication: what was the message you were trying to send to the target audience? What were the main techniques you used to send that message? e.g., I wanted to tell teen audiences that drinking Bovril is not just for older people so I used younger actors and hip/colloquial language to appeal to them in the hope that young audiences would identify with them.
our goal as a group was to cast across the message that Radox was a product for older people so one of techniques used to appeal to older people was having the film in black and white without color as to appeal to our targets sense of nostalgia and fondness of films from their childhood which they would then associate with our product. we re-created an old scene from an old movie so that an older audience could relate to the advert and could identify the advert with our product. this creates the idea that Radox shower gel is a product for an older audience also as they identify the film as something from their childhood and then associate the product with their childhood so that they would identify with the product more.
g. Overall, do you feel your advert is fit for purpose? i.e., does it look professional and does it comply with advertising regulations? You must extract information from the ASA / BCAP code here.
yes, overall i believe that our advert fit its purpose and looked, with the exception of a few errors such as dubbing issues and out of place miss en scene, our advert looked professional. also our advert is a parody of a famous film scene which is already established type of a advert, examples of this include the T-Mobile royal wedding advert, a parody of the royal wedding between prince William and Kate Middleton. and in terms of the BCAP code our main concern was section 4: violence and aggression and in particular sections 4.2 and 4.3. we feel we have succeeded with complying with these regulations

Marketing communications must not cause fear or distress without justifiable reason; if it can be justified, the fear or distress should not be excessive. Marketers must not use a shocking claim or image merely to attract attention.
Marketing communications must contain nothing that is likely to condone or encourage violence or anti-social behaviour.

Section 3. Personal reflection 
a. How does the final advertisement compare with your original intentions? Reflect on your documentation, e.g., you storyboards and other pre-production, final advertisement and audience / peer / tutor feedback.

yes, completely as our intention was to simply imitate a famous movie scene so in terms of our storyboard our goals were met as we already had our shot established all we has to was replicate the scenes to fit our environment so it would have been hard to not get these shots correct and as we already had seen these shots used this also applies for our storyboard as our story had already been written as our advert was parodt of an alreadt established scene in an iconic film, therefor it would be hard to mess up the story as we already had a perfect source to rely on, the film Psycho. in terms of feedback both tutor and peers told us that the dubbing for my scream was poor and that we could use scarier music, both issues have been dealt with after feedback.

b. Self-evaluation: Reflect on how satisfied you are with your final advert. Would you do anything differently if you were to undertake the task again? Finally, evaluate your own involvement in the project.
overall Ithink our advert was a success and i was satisfied with the final product, if i could do anything differently i would change the dubbing in order to make the scream seem more genuine and also relocate the location of the scene to an area more like the location of the scene in psycho such as a house bathroom or hotel bathroom instead of a shower room. i would also change a few shots and the way Connor presents me with the radox shower gel in the shower.

1 comment:

  1. Toby,

    You have made a very good start but you must make an effort to check through your work; I have reformatted the text for you this time but you need to go through and tidy the writing, please go through the post and capitalise any lower case 'i's and words at the start of sentences.

    You could also add print screens throughout the compliment the feedback you are referring to, e.g., if someone said they liked the use of B&W to make it look like Psycho, print screen the advert and show it is in B&W.

