Monday 15 December 2014

Requirements for a moving production

What type of media  produce did you produce and what was it for? How did you distribute it?

Myself,Horatio and Harry filmed,starred in and produced a short film titled "Underage Drinking" we distributed it via the Internet, using the video-sharing website 'YouTube'. the purpose of our film was to make a 90 second short film to be entered in a super short making competition by Depict! 

What other types of moving image media product are there? what different distribution methods are there?

There are Variety of moving images media products available such as:

* TV shows                                                *documentaries                                     

*Feature films                                            *Animation                                            

*Short Film                                                *Music Videos 

and there are a variety of distribution methods such as: 

*The Internet                                             *DVD'S

*Television                                                *Cinemas (E.G trailers, films)

Finance and sources of filming-What sources of funding exist for the film, television and other moving image productions? Give examples

there are a variety of ways to fund a film, here are a few:


Kickstarter is an online website dedicated to funding enough money for a variety of creative projects such as films, Games and music. it is a website that successfully funded hundreds of creative pieces such as the 2014 Zach Braff directed film 'Wish i was here' which successfully funded over 3 million Dollars for his film.
A statement explain how Zach Braff gave people the opportunity to invest in his film 'wish i was here'
Zach Braff discussing his Kickstarted funded film 'wish i was here' and how how wanted no involvement of studios in his film, despite this a huge group of people complained that they were never rewarded for their contribution and the film was later pickup by a studio anyway despite it reviving 3.1 million dollars from kickstarter  

Product placement
Product placement is described by Wikipedia as: "any form of audiovisual commercial communication consisting of the inclusion of or reference to a product, a service or the trade mark thereof so that it is featured within a programme". Product placement is used in a variety of media such as TV and film." Product Placement is essentially when a company contribute a certain amount of money to a film in order for their product to feature in it so simplistically put it is subtle advertising most common in television and big-budget blockbuster films

Government Funding
Government funding are films funded via the government through schemes such as lottery tickets an example of  lottery funded film would be the action/comedy/sci film 'attack the block' it was entirely funded by money from the British national lottery.

 the sci/fi comedy 'Attack the block' was funded by the national lottery fund

Requirements for any production- i.e what will the money be spent on?
These are the things that money can be spent be spent on, on a film

.Marketing and distribution: advertising and getting your film known to the public

.Cast and Crew: people who help make and feature in the film, actors, cameramen, directors etc

.location: having rights to where you want to film can be costly, you may have to ask the local                             authorities to film in their town city etc 

.Transportation: moving the cast, equipment and everything else in a film can also be expensive                                   simply because your transporting so much 

Requirements what did you have to obtain for your depict project?

here are the things we had to obtain for our depict project:

.1 Twix

.2 a piece of paper

.3 a location

.4  a camera

PERSONNEL-what is the makeup of a typical team for a moving image production

a) a low budget short: a few unknown actors,a unknown director,camera crew, an editor,no producer
    or studio involved

b) a television program: well known or up and coming actors, actresses, a large camera crew, an          editor, producer, an executive producer

c)Hollywood  feature film: famous and very well known actors and actresses, a huge camera crew, 
   editors, producers, executive producers, likely to have soundtrack produced by a music producer

other contributors 
other people can contribute to the film such as: historians to make the film historically accurate
 Accountants to handle the money for the film, producers to find money and to oversee the film and if the film is without a studio fundraisers to fund the money for the film 

Time- what was your time frame and how well did you use the time you were given?

we had 8 lessons to plan 8 lessons to film 8 lessons to edit. we used our time efficiently and effectively as we completed our work on time, we had some issues with weather that delayed the amount of work we could do but we used our time well,

what happens when you do not meet deadlines in the professional media industry?

 In the professional media industry a number of things can happen if you do not meet deadlines, one of these things can be that the movies gets scrapped, stopped and is never touched or worked on ever again, examples include The Creature Of The Sunny Side Trailer Park
 something else that can happen is that the film can be put on hold, shelved so the producers and studios can find enough money in order to finish the film or the films deadline can be extended in order for the film to eventually make money. an example of this would be the British animated film The Thief and the Cobbler that due to its independent funding (without studio) and its complex animation was in and out of production for two decades finally being distributed by Warner Bros 20 years after it was supposed to be released

did you meet your deadlines?

yes my group did meet all of our deadlines

Equipment/facilities: what is needed?

.a camera

a cast

a computer for editing




Locations-where did you film and how do you go about securing locations legally 

what are locations and location releases?

locations are certain areas that you can legally use in your film and a location release is where you have legal permission to film at a certain location

how and why did you pick specific locations for your depict videos?

for our short film we picked one location, a local corner shop because it was a requirement for our film as our short film was all about buying something from a shop

what logical issues and risks did you face?

one of the issues we faced was that the shop was opposite traffic and a few scenes were on the other side of the street so cars getting in the way of traffic were a problem, another problem would be that when we returned back to the shop after day of filming to do another day of filming we discovered that the cars outside the shop were not the same ones as yesterday, so this meant we had a continuity risk to overcome. Another risk would have been the constant threat of being hit by oncoming traffic on the road while filming as there is a scene where one character crosses the road so that was a potential risk.


list the various types of materials you may need for production


what financial considerations are there when using certain materials?

some financial  considerations that are taken into account when using certain materials are that the direction, producer does not go over budget with the use of materials such as pictures and graphics as this could effect the overall result of the picture and determined whether or not it is a success or not. another consideration would be that the materials are used evenly and to effect, an example of this would be the to not spend to much on graphics and not investing enough time or money into the screenplay so even distribution is key.

legal issues

what legal considerations might there be when using certain materials in a media production?

some legal considerations there might be when using certain materials in our media production would be that we don't want to film anything in a location that we do not have had legal rights to film there, so a use of a location release would be vital. also having permission to film people

copyright: what is copyright?

copyright is essentially something that protects your work and stops other people from using your work without your given permission. you receive copyright protection automatically when you create a variety of work such as music, films and photographs an  example of a film breaking copyright law would be  Bad Lieutenant for using Schooly D's track “Signifying Rapper,” without legal permission which a breach of copyright 

how did copyright affect your depict production? 

copyright effected our production in the sense that we had to protect our work from being used by other people. copyright also effected out production in the sense that when we decided to pick music for our production we could only use 30 seconds of music from other artists otherwise we would be breaching copyright so had to use music sparingly.

define and give examples of the following:

clearance: official authorization for something to take place or happen

public liability insurance: a type of insurance that would cover a business if a customer or member of the public was to suffer a loss or injury as a result of its business activities and if that person made a claim for compensation. The insurance would cover the compensation payment plus any legal expenses  examples include Arron Paul in breaking bad nearly being killed by a boulder  on set in Breaking Bad and Jason Statham nearly being killed on set in the expendables 3, these actors would have been covered if they were injured a

completion guarantee/insurance: completion guarantee is a bond provided by the guarantor that a film would be finished within the agreed time schedule. 


what is a regulatory body and what do they do?

a regulatory body is a public authority or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of human activity in aregulatory or supervisory capacity.

what is OFCOM and what is its function? 

Ofcom is the communications regulator in the UK. It regulates the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate.

who regulates the bbc and why is this different to OFCOM?

The company that regulates the BBC is OFCOM, OFCOM has certain powers to regulate the BBC's licence fee funded television and radio services aimed at audiences 

what is the BBFC and what is its function?

the British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non-governmental body which has classified cinema films since it was set up in 1912 and videos/ DVDs since the Video Recordings Act was passed in 1984.

The OFCOM regulations 
  • Ofcom will regulate with a clearly articulated and publicly reviewed annual plan, with stated policy objectives.
  • Ofcom will intervene where there is a specific statutory duty to work towards a public policy goal which markets alone cannot achieve.
  • Ofcom will operate with a bias against intervention, but with a willingness to intervene firmly, promptly and effectively where required.
  • Ofcom will strive to ensure its interventions will be evidence-based, proportionate, consistent, accountable and transparent in both deliberation and outcome.
  • Ofcom will always seek the least intrusive regulatory mechanisms to achieve its policy objectives.
  • Ofcom will research markets constantly and will aim to remain at the forefront of technological understanding.

What is a trade union and why is it important?
A trade union is an organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.


 PACT stands for Partners and Communities Together. It gives you the chance to tell your safer neighbourhood team, local authority and other partner agencies about the issues causing concern within your community and which ones you want us to deal with as a priority.

BECTU is the UK's media and entertainment trade union; sectors covered include broadcasting, film, independent production, theatre and the arts, leisure and digital media. The union represents staff, contract and freelance workers who are based primarily in the United Kingdom.


trade association, also known as an industry trade group, business association or sector association, is an organization founded and funded by businesses that operate in a specific industry.


1 comment:

  1. You have made a solid start here Toby and you have just covered everything needed to pass. You have also provided some specific examples to back up your points. To improve your grade:
    Pay attention to spacing and capital letters – your writing is clear enough in regards to communication but the actual writing of the post seems a little rushed
    Add a little more depth and detail to your explanations and make sure you haven’t missed little bots out (e.g., your timeframes!) You discuss terms but you do so very briefly and a lot of this post could include more detail. You also need some more specific examples throughout, for example, find a film that broke copyright law, find a film where there was an accident on-set, etc.
    The last two sections, regulation and trade unions and associations are not developed and need some work. Make sure it’s all in your own words and then quoted and this will raise your grade.
