Tuesday 2 December 2014

Depict Evaluation

what was the task?
The task for this exercise was to create a short film under 90 seconds for the depict short film competition 

overall our camerawork was received well people thought a few of our shots were unique and interesting and were overall received well however a few shots were shaky and a few shots were positioned poorly but overall our camerawork as a group was received well with a few shots being picked out such as the ascending shot of me on the ground which turns into a birds eye shot and the first establishing shot 
the ascending shot 
the establishing  shot 

Miss en scene
 the miss en scene in our short film was overall ok, there were no real mistakes the props were where they needed to be and there were no real errors the one error being that in the background of one shot our bags could be seen 
Our bags can be seen in the back of this shot 

the continuity in our short film was, overall quite poor we had a few errors in our continuity on being that i during the short film change from one shirt to another. another flaw being that Horatio looks directly at the camera in one shot i also smile at the camera during a shot so overall our continuity was not especially good. our editing however, i believe was handled well considering that some of our shots were shaky, not focusing on what they should be our editing i believe was handled reasonably well

this is the shirt i original began the
short film in 

and this is the shirt i ended the short film

i believe that our sound was overall the highlight of our short film it was composed by Horatio and was also picked up on by others as being very good it suited the pace of the short film well the only issue we had with it was that it was in some parts of the scene, to loud so some dialogue was hard to understand but that is more of an issue with editing rather than the sound used 

overall were you happy?

i think that overall our films had many faults mainly being the continuity and the camerawork, but overall considering the time and effort we put into this piece i am happy with the result i feel if we had gone back and re-shot a few of our shots then i would have been more satisfied with the overall result.

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