Wednesday 22 October 2014

continuity exercise evaluation

For this exercise in media Btec we were asked to create short films about a package in order to familiarize ourselves with shooting films and all that filming entails, shots, editing and other various tasks when it comes to filming.

Continuity: our film was seen to have a few continuity errors, an example of this being in one scene where i am stabbed i fall forward once stabbed but in the next scene i am standing upright and then fall down after being stabbed. another problem with the continuity was editing, the editing seen in our film was overall good there were some problems however when  Laura was walking towards me with "the package" the sound of her footsteps were not quite in sync with her actual footsteps some other transactions between shots were also to said to be  unnecessary but overall our continuity was seen to be good.

Miss-en-scene: our miss en scene was received well few problems were picked up, the setting was seen to fit the scene and worked well, the clean environment was said to be an ideal setting for our short film. we only had the prop of the knife and the letter in our film so there was not much to comment on

camera work: our camera work was received well with a few shots (a shot of my face with the light in the background and the final shot, a hand twitching which fades out to red) were liked by some people in the viewing audience. however that said  there were some shots that could be improved for example the establishing shot which was a pan from one end of the corridor to another was very shaky and we could have used a dolly to make the shot smoother. a few other shots moved when we they were supposed to be still so overall our camera work could use some improvement, using the right equipment such as a dolly would have improved our piece substantially

editing: our editing was overall good. a few of the positives were that sound effects were added and that the effects added afterwards were used well an example being a red blood fade out effect which was liked by the audience

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